Sunday, March 20, 2011

158 miles to go

41 days and 158 miles left to run before my next 1/2 marathon... at this point im just starting to work on distance. its also day one of my 30 mile 30th birthday challenge, im feeling like a runner again.  Ran in a bit of rain today but more then the rain was lots of wind! Every tuff moment only makes you stronger.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

30 for 30

As if life hasn't totally become crazy enough i have to turn 30 in 13 days... did this happen?  i remember sitting in high school thinking time couldn't go any slower! i was miserable and i just couldn't wait for time to go by faster... geez what was i thinking... now all i want is to slow down time. i want to enjoy everything more now... Although I've kept up with my 10 week training program i still feel like its not enough. maybe with so much else happening right now the running just seems so small.  Which brings me back to that big scary birthday i have coming up... 30... half of that is 15 and 15 didn't seem that long ago...but it was! my birthday falls on a wednesday, ill celebrate it on the Saturday after....which will mark the last day of the run week..and within this run week my goal is to run 30 miles. 30 for 30.